Nanoparticles are known to self-assemble into larger structures through growth processes that typically occurcontinuously and depend on the uniformity of the individual nanoparticles. Here, we show that inorganic nanoparticleswith non-uniform size distributions can spontaneously assemble into uniformly sized supraparticles with core–shellmorphologies. This self-limiting growth process is governed by a balance between electrostatic repulsion and van derWaals attraction, which is aided by the broad polydispersity of the nanoparticles. The generic nature of the interactionscreates flexibility in the composition, size and shape of the constituent nanoparticles, and leads to a large family of self-assembled structures, including hierarchically organized colloidal crystals.
Nature Nanotechonology, 2011, DOI:10.1038/NNANO.2011.121
Although it is well known that the amazingiridescent colors of the cuticle of beetles reflect the intricatenanoscale organization of bio-fibers, artificial inorganic mate-rials with comparable optical responses have not yet beensynthesized from abiotic nanoscale building blocks. Suchmaterials could find broad applications, including in circularpolarizers, to generate circularly polarized luminescence, or inlasers. Herein, we describe a general method for the fabricationof biomimetic chiral photonic crystals by Langmuir–Schaeferassembly of colloidal inorganic nanowires. We not onlyreproduced the intricate helical structure and circularlypolarized color reflection observed in beetles, but also achievedthe highest chiroptical activity with a dissymmetry factor of1.6 ever reported for chiral inorganic nanostructures. Moreimportantly, the programmable structural control based on theprecise interlayer arrangement endows us with unprecedentedfreedom to manipulate the optical activity of as-fabricatedchiral photonic crystals.
Angew. chem. int. ed. 2019 DOI:10.1002/anie.201903264
An all-solution-processed plasmonic perfect absorber is proposed and demonstrated by incorporating Mxene Ti3C2Tx (Tx=F, O or OH) and gold nanoparticles (NPs) in metal–insulator–metal configuration. The absorption of the designed plasmonic absorber can reach up to 99% with polarization- and angle-independence in a broad range of wavelengths from ultraviolet to near-infrared region. This ultrahigh and broadband absorbance is attributed to the synergy of plasmon resonance, magnetic resonance, and cavity effect between gold NPs layer and Mxene film, which is further corroborated by simulations of the finite element method for both random and patterned orientation of the gold nanoparticles. The excellent optical property together with the easy fabrication method paves the way for preparing photon-absorbing nanostructures in photocatalysis and solar photovoltaics.
Adv Opt Mater, 2020, DOI:10.1002/adom.202000447
The backbone of the membranes consists of all-rigid conjugated systems and shows high resistance to organic solvents. We show that 42-nm-thick CMP membranes supported on polyacrylonitrile sub-strates provide excellent retention of solutes and broad-spectrum nanofiltration in both non-polar hexane and polar methanol, the permeance for which reaches 32 and 22 l m−2 h−1 bar−1, respectively. Both experiments and simulations suggest that the per-formance of CMP membranes originates from substantially open and interconnected voids formed in the highly rigid networks.
Nature Chemistry, 2018, DOI:10.1038/s41557-018-0093-9
the NiCo-UMOFNs catalyst exhibits high electrocatalytic activity and long-termcatalytic stability. The well-defined atomic architecture of NiCo-UMOFNs allows us to explore the origin of the high electrocatalyticactivity: the coordinatively unsaturated metal atoms are thedominating active centres for the electrocatalytic OER, while theelectrocatalytic OER activity is further improved by the couplingeffect between Co and Ni. We believe that the demonstratedultrathinning MOFs strategy is an effective strategy towardscreating active heterogeneous catalysts with atomic precision
Nature Energy, 2016, DOI:10.1038/nenergy.2016.184
When used as hypoxia sensors, BMU-Ru nanostructures are characteristic of great sensitivity, reversible response, high selectivity, and robust stability that enable detecting low concentration O2 under NIR excitation. Most importantly, in vivo NSCLC lesion tracking evaluated by preclinical GEMM is for the first time achieved without apparent long-term biotoxicity based on optical hypoxia monitoring using the BMU-Ru nanosensors. The strategy of optimizing energy transfer in the nanostructures for preclinical examination will open up avenues toward reliable non-invasive detection of various tumor lesion progression by next-genera-tion optical sensors.
Adv Mater, 2020, DOI:10.1002/adma.201907718
Sandwiching platinum nanoparticles between an inner core and an outer shell composed of an MOF with metal nodes of Fe3+, Cr3+ or both (known as MIL-101) results in stable catalysts that convert a range of α,β-unsaturated aldehydes with high efficiency and with significantly enhanced selectivity towards unsaturated alcohols. Calculations reveal that preferential interaction of MOF metal sites with the carbon–oxygen rather than the carbon–carbon group renders hydrogenation of the former by the embedded platinum nanoparticles a thermodynamically favoured reaction. We anticipate that our basic design strategy will allow the development of other selective heterogeneous catalysts for important yet challenging transformations.
Nature, 2016, DOI:10.1038/nature19763
A chiral organic molecule, which only has very weak catalytic activity in asymmetrica-alkylation of aldehydesunder visible light, is utilized as the ligand to coordinate with different types of metal ions, including Zn2+,Zr4+,andTi4+, for construction of crystalline metal organic frameworks (MOFs). Impressively, when used as heterogeneouscatalysts, all of the synthesized MOFs exhibit markedly enhanced activity. Furthermore, the asymmetric catalyticperformance of these MOFs could be easily altered by selecting different metal ions, owing to the tunable electrontransfer property between metal ions and chiral ligands. This work will provide a new approach for fabrication ofheterogeneous catalysts and trigger more enthusiasm to conduct the asymmetric catalysis driven by visible light.
Science Advances, 2017, DOI:10.1126/sciadv.1701162
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